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#1 2020-11-08 04:20:27

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Inscription : 2020-10-13
Messages : 15

What kind of glasses to use And benefit the eyes


Wearing eyeglasses or eyeglasses is a simple and easy way to help people with low vision return to see more clearly. With today's technology There are many different types of eyeglass lenses available, so people with impaired vision should learn more about eyeglasses. Different types of lenses benefit from glasses Including taking care of your glasses before making a purchase To get the right glasses Meet the desired purpose And remain in good condition throughout its lifetime

How many types of glasses are there?

Glasses have two types of lenses:
Single vision lenses are lenses used to correct any distance from vision problems.
Multifocal lenses are lenses that allow users to see at different distances. Both near and far away The top lens will help to see the distance more clearly. And the lens below will help to look at close objects such as reading a book. Or sewing
Multifocal glasses are used to adjust the eye level of people with presbyopia. Which can not clearly see objects nearby It is divided into several types of lenses with different properties as follows.
Bifocals are made up of a close-up view. Which is at the bottom of the lens And parts that can be viewed from a distance Which is on the top of the lens.There is also a special type of bifocal lens with a top joint For those who need to look at objects at close or medium distances at a higher angle too.
Trifocals are lenses that have three phases in one lens: telephoto, medium and close.
Progressive lens (Progressive) has properties like bifocal lenses and triple lenses. But users can see objects from a distance to a close range seamlessly. The focal point of this lens is quite small. Because most of the lens area is used to connect the field of view. But progressive lenses can cause eye discomfort. And dizziness while wearing more than other lenses This lens is a type that is popular to use less.


When should I wear glasses?

If vision is blurred, objects are blurred as before, you have eyestrain or headache while reading, sewing, or doing other activities, you may have vision problems. You should see an ophthalmologist and optometrist for eye measurements and eyeglasses.
But if you do not want to cut glasses to adjust the eye level You may choose to buy reading glasses at any eyeglass store. By choosing glasses suitable for their eyesight by holding the book approximately 14-16 inches from the body and then experimenting to see if they can see the text clearly and feel comfortable or not.  Or, you may consult an ophthalmologist for other options, such as wearing contact lenses. And vision correction surgery
However, if you have vision problems along with other symptoms such as eye irritation, black spots drifting around. Only partially see pictures Seeing flashes in the eyeballs, sudden pain or redness Should immediately see an ophthalmologist for treatment.

Materials used to make eyeglasses lenses

Originally, the material used to make eyeglasses was glass lenses. But now I switched to plastic, which is lightweight, flexible, difficult to break and can protect against UV rays.In addition, the material used to make the lens has many other special features to choose from as appropriate for use as follows.
High-Index Plastic is suitable for people with very myopia or long sight and need to cut their glasses. Because this type of lens has features of thinness and light Reduce the problem of thick lenses that they are uncomfortable to wear.
Aspheric is a lens that has several degrees of curvature. Therefore have a flat and thinner surface than conventional lenses Making more space in front of the lens
Polycarbonate (Polycarbonate) This lens is suitable for people who play sports and people who frequently break or break glasses as they are impact resistant and scratch resistant.In addition, the lenses are also UV protection.
Polarized has the ability to reduce glare reflected from the surface. This lens is suitable for sports and driving. But the lens may make the display less clearly visible on the car dashboard.
Photochromic has the ability to change color. And can block 100 percent of UV rays, the lenses will react to UV light. Making the lens turn darker when outdoors And will return to clear as it was in the shade Therefore do not need to wear sunglasses But the lens will not change color while in the car. As most car's windshields already block UV rays.


After cutting glasses Do I need to measure my eyes again?

People who wear eyeglasses should see an ophthalmologist and have their eyes checked every two years to make sure they are appropriate for their current prescription. People aged 40-60 years may need to measure eyesight and cut new glasses periodically. As the cornea begins to deteriorate Make a change in your eyesight And makes the image not clearly visible
In addition, health checks should be performed periodically. To prevent diseases and problems that may arise or related to the eyes, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, aneurysms. And HIV virus infection, for example, because signs of the disease may appear on the eyes, around the eyes, or occur as vision problems. Before the symptoms of the disease are clearly expressed

Can glasses block blue light?

Blue light is present in many digital devices used in everyday life, such as televisions, computers, mobile phones or tablets, where people who use their gaze for a long time may experience eye strain, dry eyes, and less blinking. down Or have symptoms of eye strain The blue light can affect the human body clock system. By stimulating them to wake up in the morning But getting too much of this light at night May result in difficulty falling asleep
While there are advanced technologies in the manufacture of different types of eyeglass lenses, no research has been done to confirm which types of eyeglasses can help filter blue light. Only reports that Those who wore short-wave radiation protection glasses 3 hours before going to bed continuously for 2 weeks had a 58% increase in melatonin levels, which is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland (Pineal Gland) and contributes to sleep. By making them sleep faster and more comfortable

Can glasses help heal abnormal vision better?

Wearing glasses only helps people with impaired vision to see more clearly. But cannot help keep the eyesight back to normal as before As for wearing glasses that do not match the eyesight Even without making my eyesight worse But will make the image or object is blurred In addition, eye management or taking various drugs can not help recover from myopia or long sight. And human eyesight changes as we age, so eye care should be avoided by avoiding risk factors that may cause premature vision problems.

How to care for your glasses

Always wash your glasses with water and a lint-free cleaning cloth. To clear any dust and stains on glasses and lenses. So that they can see more clearly while wearing
Keep glasses away from moisture. Or remove it in the box if not wearing glasses
Avoid activities that may subject you to collision or impact, such as playing sports. Or remove the glasses if having to do such activities To prevent the glasses from being damaged Or scratches on the lens

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