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#8 Re : Bar des dégénérés » » 2019-10-31 09:56:56

Hong Kong scammers, warning HongKong piracy, danger, scam, China scam,,,

Scam: rsorder com, mmoexp com rsgold3 com, safewow com, mmotank com, rs2hot com, is scam

China fake, unsafe reporter, alert scam, warning danger, warning poison

#10 Re : Bureau des plaintes » La racaille barbue des cités ratonne les transexuels et les roms! » 2019-04-04 17:10:50

excellent article de

Malgré les démentis, rien n’arrête la rumeur.
En quelques heures, une rumeur folle et assassine s’est répandue dans ces quartiers que l’on dit défavorisés : une rumeur d’enlèvements d’enfants relayée ici ou là, sur les réseaux sociaux. S’en sont suivies des ratonnades dans des camps roms de banlieues parisiennes, à la suite desquelles le parquet de Bobigny a annoncé le placement en garde à vue de 19 personnes « pour violences volontaires, dégradations par incendie et participation avec arme à un attroupement survenu ».

Des images d’une première agression ont fait le tour des réseaux sociaux, avec en tête de publication la rumeur exacerbée par cette phrase : « Voici 2 Roms qui ont essayé de kidnapper une petite fille à Nanterre à bord de leur camion ce vendredi ». Des faits totalement faux, inventés de toutes pièces. Mais la préfecture de police a beau qualifier ces rumeurs de « totalement infondées », à Aulnay, Sevran, Clichy, Aubervilliers, Bondy, Noisy-le-Sec, les violences se répètent.

« Ils avaient des cocktails Molotov et nous jetaient des cailloux. Ils voulaient nous tuer », a raconté Georgi, un homme d’une soixantaine d’années habitant dans le bidonville rom de Bobigny attaqué lundi soir. « Depuis, on a peur tout le temps. On ne dort plus, on monte la garde » dit un autre homme. Malgré les démentis, rien n’arrête la rumeur on a pu voir au 20 heures une jeune femme maghrébine déclarer qu’il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu ! Que nous disent ces violences alimentées par la rumeur ? Vous connaissez la formule : « C’est le dernier arrivé qui ferme la porte ».

Il fut un temps où les flux d’immigrants italiens, espagnols et pieds noirs, se plaignaient de l’immigration récente (portugaise et maghrébine). Ni Édouard Balladur, ni Sarkozy, ni Valls, ni cette jeune femme ne seraient français sans la porte ouverte par leurs ancêtres. Ces habitants de banlieue issus de l’immigration se rendent-ils compte, eux qui, avec raison, se plaignent de discrimination, qu’ils s’attaquent à la minorité la plus ghettoïsée ? Qu’ils confortent des mythes racistes comme celui du tzigane voleur d’enfants. A tel point que 67 % des Français pensent que les Roms sont un groupe « à part », selon un rapport qui conclut qu’il s’agit de la minorité la plus stigmatisée du pays. En procédant à leur exclusion systématique, en n’aménageant pas d’espaces destinés aux « gens du voyage », on ne les considère pas comme étant « des nôtres », ce que leur nomadisme accentue. C’est ainsi que nous fabriquons « les Roms » comme exemple de sous-humanité. Les nazis poussèrent cette logique de l’exclusion jusqu’à l’extermination de 500.000 Tziganes sur une population de 1,5 million avant guerre. On reste pantois devant les explosions de haine qu’ils reçoivent aujourd’hui à partir d’un tissu de mensonges. Une double infamie.

#11 Re : Bureau des plaintes » Kara keto scam: burn your cash! Fake diet, true poison » 2019-04-04 16:54:52

Extra points to keep in mind

While using this Miraculoux Keto Diet scam, you should follow these steps.
While using this, it is necessary to give a lot of money and read the full instructions to avoid any risk of keeping it, wee need your cash.
It is also good to follow all the instructions as it will make it easier for us to get the full benefits and buy luxury cars.

This is the support of your money. You should only treat it as the cash loss supplement. You should not treat it like a clever customer. This shit should not be used with water. These pills should not even be used with milk: pull it in the bean. It is also stated that you take these pills when you are the empty wallet. When you are empty wallet then it becomes easier for us to get the full benefits of our big scam.

This Supplement will create the best of our business. This will create the best business for us. When you will use this then you should never drink pee. You should not eat dog shit. This is the Supplement that is the best for scamming, and it has been made available for both men and women, but they must be plenty of cash and certainly dummy. This is not available for kids who are less than 18 because they have no money.

#12 Re : Reports » Nous vaincront, seul contre tous! KousKousKlub - white merguez power! » 2019-04-04 16:54:02

Extra points to keep in mind: is poison, is scam

While using this Miraculoux Keto Diet scam, you should follow these steps.
While using this, it is necessary to give a lot of money and read the full instructions to avoid any risk of keeping it, wee need your cash.
It is also good to follow all the instructions as it will make it easier for us to get the full benefits and buy luxury cars.

This is the support of your money. You should only treat it as the cash loss supplement. You should not treat it like a clever customer. This shit should not be used with water. These pills should not even be used with milk: pull it in the bean. It is also stated that you take these pills when you are the empty wallet. When you are empty wallet then it becomes easier for us to get the full benefits of our big scam.

This Supplement will create the best of our business. This will create the best business for us. When you will use this then you should never drink pee. You should not eat dog shit. This is the Supplement that is the best for scamming, and it has been made available for both men and women, but they must be plenty of cash and certainly dummy. This is not available for kids who are less than 18 because they have no money.

#13 Re : Reports » » 2019-04-04 16:52:57

Extra points to keep in mind

While using this Miraculoux Keto Diet scam, you should follow these steps.
While using this, it is necessary to give a lot of money and read the full instructions to avoid any risk of keeping it, wee need your cash.
It is also good to follow all the instructions as it will make it easier for us to get the full benefits and buy luxury cars.

This is the support of your money. You should only treat it as the cash loss supplement. You should not treat it like a clever customer. This shit should not be used with water. These pills should not even be used with milk: pull it in the bean. It is also stated that you take these pills when you are the empty wallet. When you are empty wallet then it becomes easier for us to get the full benefits of our big scam.

This Supplement will create the best of our business. This will create the best business for us. When you will use this then you should never drink pee. You should not eat dog shit. This is the Supplement that is the best for scamming, and it has been made available for both men and women, but they must be plenty of cash and certainly dummy. This is not available for kids who are less than 18 because they have no money.

#14 Re : Boîte à Idées » Unsafe: is SCAM » 2019-04-04 16:51:55

Extra points to keep in mind

While using this Miraculoux Keto Diet scam, you should follow these steps.
While using this, it is necessary to give a lot of money and read the full instructions to avoid any risk of keeping it, wee need your cash.
It is also good to follow all the instructions as it will make it easier for us to get the full benefits and buy luxury cars.

This is the support of your money. You should only treat it as the cash loss supplement. You should not treat it like a clever customer. This shit should not be used with water. These pills should not even be used with milk: pull it in the bean. It is also stated that you take these pills when you are the empty wallet. When you are empty wallet then it becomes easier for us to get the full benefits of our big scam.

This Supplement will create the best of our business. This will create the best business for us. When you will use this then you should never drink pee. You should not eat dog shit. This is the Supplement that is the best for scamming, and it has been made available for both men and women, but they must be plenty of cash and certainly dummy. This is not available for kids who are less than 18 because they have no money.

#15 Re : Entr'Aide » Define ketosis » 2019-04-04 16:35:09

We are attacked by poison bombers, is just bad shit, ugly scam and fake products.

#16 Re : Présentation » I have a tiny dick:, I am not Indian! » 2019-04-04 16:33:40

We are fed up with Indian piracy, we are fed up with Chinese piracy: why do they attack our websites and forums with poison?

#17 Présentation » is scam » 2019-04-04 09:23:24
Réponses : 1 is scam. Prime Keto Review: warning poison

Warning fake: is scam for vegan!

Fake diet Prime Keto : This suggests that that as a vegan, you've a lot of cash to lose with scam, you'd not eat any animal or anything that is produced from its body: you can buy scam! Now, although the fundamentals of veganism are built on rejecting animal cruelty and therefore the exploitation of their resources, the indirect advantages of this type of diet are huge if practised correctly. In fact, recent and ongoing studies have proven that if you just became a vegan and did nothing else, you would lose weight. It's really that simple. In fact, if you simply became a traditional vegetarian you'd shed pounds - but, the vegan approach achieves faster and longer lasting results that is most likely honest as a result of it's undoubtedly a stricter eating regime. So you'll find fake diets on they try to earn money with Vegan, with scam.

file.php?id=23&sid=7747850820e75b20795461708ceb0ce2 is scam, is scam, purefitsketo: is FAKE AND SCAM

Prime Keto is FAKE
Prime Keto Diet Ingredients are SCAM
Skip to THIS DIET!

Prime Keto Review:
Could Keto Prime Your Body For Weight Loss? NOT AT ALL

With so much going on in your life, you don’t have time to exercise or diet. Between going to work, helping the kids or friends in your free time, and everything else in your busy life, weight loss becomes the last of your priorities. Even if it’s something you think about daily. And you can’t say that you forget about the weight you’ve been gaining. You probably accidentally catch a glimpse before stepping into the shower, or maybe you struggle to button your jeans. Perhaps you realize that you are popping out of your clothes and resort to going up a size or few. Or maybe you still think your weight is fine and squeeze into your old clothes. But you know how you look. And you want that to change. A great place to make a change now is a better way of life... FORGET Prime Keto Pills.

#18 Re : Reports » » 2019-04-04 09:21:22 is scam. Prime Keto Review: warning poison

Warning fake: is scam for vegan!

Fake diet Prime Keto : This suggests that that as a vegan, you've a lot of cash to lose with scam, you'd not eat any animal or anything that is produced from its body: you can buy scam! Now, although the fundamentals of veganism are built on rejecting animal cruelty and therefore the exploitation of their resources, the indirect advantages of this type of diet are huge if practised correctly. In fact, recent and ongoing studies have proven that if you just became a vegan and did nothing else, you would lose weight. It's really that simple. In fact, if you simply became a traditional vegetarian you'd shed pounds - but, the vegan approach achieves faster and longer lasting results that is most likely honest as a result of it's undoubtedly a stricter eating regime. So you'll find fake diets on they try to earn money with Vegan, with scam.

file.php?id=23&sid=7747850820e75b20795461708ceb0ce2 is scam, is scam, purefitsketo: is FAKE AND SCAM

Prime Keto is FAKE
Prime Keto Diet Ingredients are SCAM
Skip to THIS DIET!

Prime Keto Review:
Could Keto Prime Your Body For Weight Loss? NOT AT ALL

With so much going on in your life, you don’t have time to exercise or diet. Between going to work, helping the kids or friends in your free time, and everything else in your busy life, weight loss becomes the last of your priorities. Even if it’s something you think about daily. And you can’t say that you forget about the weight you’ve been gaining. You probably accidentally catch a glimpse before stepping into the shower, or maybe you struggle to button your jeans. Perhaps you realize that you are popping out of your clothes and resort to going up a size or few. Or maybe you still think your weight is fine and squeeze into your old clothes. But you know how you look. And you want that to change. A great place to make a change now is a better way of life... FORGET Prime Keto Pills.

#19 Re : Présentation » » 2019-04-04 09:04:20

Keto Flex is kidding! It is a joke!Prime Keto Review: warning poison

file.php?id=23&sid=7747850820e75b20795461708ceb0ce2 is scam, is scam, purefitsketo: is FAKE AND SCAM

Prime Keto is FAKE
Prime Keto Diet Ingredients are SCAM
Skip to THIS DIET!

Prime Keto Review:
Could Keto Prime Your Body For Weight Loss? NOT AT ALL

With so much going on in your life, you don’t have time to exercise or diet. Between going to work, helping the kids or friends in your free time, and everything else in your busy life, weight loss becomes the last of your priorities. Even if it’s something you think about daily. And you can’t say that you forget about the weight you’ve been gaining. You probably accidentally catch a glimpse before stepping into the shower, or maybe you struggle to button your jeans. Perhaps you realize that you are popping out of your clothes and resort to going up a size or few. Or maybe you still think your weight is fine and squeeze into your old clothes. But you know how you look. And you want that to change. A great place to make a change now is a better way of life... FORGET Prime Keto Pills.

#20 Bureau des plaintes » Warning poison:,, » 2019-04-04 08:49:02
Réponses : 1

Warning Danger Poison

With so much going on in your life, you don’t have time to exercise or diet. Between going to work, helping the kids or friends in your free time, and everything else in your busy life, weight loss becomes the last of your priorities. Even if it’s something you think about daily. And you can’t say that you forget about the weight you’ve been gaining. You probably accidentally catch a glimpse before stepping into the shower, or maybe you struggle to button your jeans. Perhaps you realize that you are popping out of your clothes and resort to going up a size or few. Or maybe you still think your weight is fine and squeeze into your old clothes. But you know how you look. And you want that to change. A great place to make a change now is a better way of life... FORGET Prime Keto Pills.

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